RKPS Curriculum

At Rudyard Kipling Primary we believe that children learn best when the curriculum is challenging, exciting and relevant to all.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which covers National Curriculum requirements and promotes the intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, physical, social and emotional development of all pupils. The National Curriculum can be accessed here.

Our curriculum planning ensures a creative and cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning. Rudyard Kipling is an advocate school for the 'Power of Reading' approach to teaching English. This creative and effective approach increases children's engagement and attainment, which puts high quality children's literature at the heart of all learning.

Wherever possible, most areas of the curriculum are taught through termly topics, which ensures that learning is meaningful and children have opportunities to practise skills in context. Every term, each year group has a 'stunning start, marvellous middle and fantastic finish'. Parents are invited to termly ‘Topic Chats’ where teachers share a termly overview of their child's learning.

Curriculum Documents

Whole School Topic Overview
