
Our overarching aim for English at Rudyard is to promote high standards of literacy by equipping our children with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.

We believe all children have a right to both be literate and to enjoy literature, and recognise the long term benefits that this can have for children, in their next stages of education and beyond.

We use the Power of Reading approach to deliver our English Curriculum. This proven approach has raised both achievement and engagement in 2500 school across the country. We are very proud that this year we have been selected as an Associate School for the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE), who develop the Power of Reading. As an Associate School, we will be working with the CLPE as a beacon for the brilliant work that they do to raise standards and improve life chances for children through our shared ethos.

The Power of Reading places high quality children’s literature at the heart of English teaching and learning. Through a slow reveal of these stories, children become immersed in the worlds of the texts and develop emotional connections to characters. Through a range of teaching approaches children become able to take on the voice of the text they are studying whilst developing vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation for effect. During their time at Rudyard children are exposed to a rich and varied range of text types and genres, across both reading and writing activities.

The Power of Reading has impacted on children’s attitudes and engagement to literacy based activities and we are proud that our children both read and write for pleasure.

The texts children are exposed to in our school have been carefully selected from a range of books used by the CLPE. We have developed our curriculum to ensure that children encounter a breadth of literature, that they see themselves reflected back in books and that they are able to look out into the wider world through the texts they study. As well as this, the texts ensure appropriate progression in vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, spellings, punctuation and content, in line with the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for English.
