Online Safety

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Safer Internet Day Resources For Parents 

Who Can you trust Online Video?


Staying Safe Online Resources Guide

Latest SafetyNet Safety Rocks Newsletter

We take E-safety seriously at Rudyard Kipling and teach the children how to be safe online as an ongoing part of our Computing and PSHE lessons.

We encourage the children to be think about being SMART (Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell) when using the Internet and that they need to be as thoughtful and careful when online as when out and about in the 'real world'. It is more important than ever before to ensure that your children are using the internet safely.

This page includes some useful links for parents for you to read and share with your children.

''Be Internet Legends' Online Safety Activities for the whole family

The latest CEOP #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack is now available with new activities for parents and carers to use at home! Access them here:

4-5   5-7   8-10   11-13   14+

Short videos for parents and carers: delivering online safety at home

Information about 'TikTok'

Our E-Safety Policy 

ParentZone/Be Internet Legends

Thinkyouknow - Online safety advice from the National Crime Agency

Internet Matters

Parent info from CEOP and Parent Zone

Community Safety & Wellbeing - Staying Safe Online Resources Guide

LGfL Online Safety and Safeguarding



Childnet resources page

For parents and carers

For young people



Safety Net Kids

SafetyNet E-Zine Issue 3

Safety Net Newsletter - Special Edition

Top 10 tips for staying safe online

Top 10 tips for mobile phone safety

Top 10 tips if you're being bullied online


Other Links

UK Safer Internet Center

Looking out for fake news

CBBC - 'Ownit'

(lots of child-friendly activities and videos)

Get Safe Online

How to protect children on their smartphone.

CEOP (National Crime Agency) 'ThinkuKnow'

